Frequently asked questions
Is it really free?
We do not charge for any service we provide. However, every website needs a domain name (URL) to be found, and every website exists on a web server. You will need to pay for the URL and, if needed, the hosting of the website on a server other than our own. Hosting will only be required if your site has special requirements that are beyond the capabilities of our hosting resources. That is not likely, but is noted in the spirit of full disclosure.
How do I get started?
It's simple. Go to the Get Started page and fill out and submit the form. You will provide a description of what you want your site to do. We will then use advanced AI tools to create the design, structure, and content for the site based on your description. The content should be thought of as place holders. The final content on the site will be completely up to you, the business owner.
How much does a domain name cost?
You can generally get a new domain for about $10 (sometimes less) the first year, and then around $20 annually after the first year. (We do not guarantee any prices, because we do not control the cost of domain names.)
What happens after the initial site is created?
We work with you to edit the content to make sure it makes sense for your business. If you have photos or other multimedia assets, we will post them as you instruct. Once you are satisfied with the initial version of the website, we will launch the site. This is when you would pay for your domain name and hosting services (if your site cannot be hosted on our servers).
How much does it cost to host my website?
Hosting costs vary widely depending on your needs. For an individual site, companies such as Go Daddy charge between $100 and $200 annually. However, we can host most sites on our servers free of cost to you. You will need to pay for hosting servers only if you decide not to host your site on our servers.
After the site is launched, what happens?
After the site is launched, the business will designate someone responsible for updating the site. We will continue to work with that person, though mostly as a resource for questions. We will also provide additional guidance on how best to use your site to expand your online presence.